Sabtu, 27 Januari 2018

Learning English part 16 (Final)

Asslamu'alikum Wr.Wb.

     Hi guys nice to meet you again,are you miss me? i think yes (hehe).Today is the last day of the final exam of semester 1. seen from the face of my friend so cheerful and the spirit because it will be holiday(hehe).Class night is always crowded,not like the morning class. There is a neat wear shirts unisex just wear T-shirts but all wearing a green alma mater mandatory to take the exam.

     Today's test there are two courses that is English and Algorithm and programming. for english, we have to make a story at least 20 sentences about one's job and today we have to tell about an electric technician.for the subject can be myself or he, his identity (date of birth, age, place of residence, hobbies, marriage or unmarried,if married with how many children and where residence), he job (he works as what, where he works,and how long he works there and what position he holds), besides we have to mention the tools he uses to work like safety helmet, screwdriver, pliers, cuter, sola si, safety shoes, cable etc.Is not too difficult if we learn(hehe).Notified deadline collecting all english tasks at least 3 days after UAS is Tuesday.

      Specialy algorithm and programming we practice directly make odd number and even and make switching branches using C ++ programs, especially for switching switches of NPM ganji (prodi electro, exceptional) and for even NPM (student name and you pass) without changing syntax and names and NPMs written in comments. maybe quite so much that I can share for you guys at the end of the final exam of semester 1 I feel so relieved and hope to get a satisfactory value (amin). for my friends,you are amazing and keep the spirit.

Electro can be...
Electro be innovative..
Electro jaya ...

bye friends....

Kamis, 11 Januari 2018

Learning English part 15

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Alhamdulillah we meet again guys.

        How are you today?I hope you are good.Friends have never heard the saying"every meeting will be a farewell"and this day the saying goes.It's just yesterday we lesrn togetherbut the time passes so fast.This last day we studied with Ms.Nurhayati(indonesian lecturer) because indonesian just on semester 1 and today is also our last meeting with Ms.Rella(English Lecturer).

         Today we are continue learning the last meeting of the conversation and who have not yet had a conversation to complete today.After that Ms.Rella give a grid for the final exam of semester 1.I do not know we will meet in the 2nd semester with Ms.Rella.So,we take pictures together Ms.Rella.One of all my friends,he want photo with Ms.Rella and there is also a bright explanation of his love to Ms.Rella.They are so funny.This moment is sad but we have to keep learning to realize the ideals we graduated together.

         Thanks to Ms.Nurhayati,Mr.Zalzulifa and Mrs.Rella who have been patientto teach us.Especially for Mrs.Rella,we hope to still be able to meet in semester 2.

The last meeting i will telling story about final exam on semester 1.
See you later guys.

Jumat, 05 Januari 2018

Learning English part 14

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Alhamdulillah we meet agaain guys.

        Are you miss me?i do not think so.Today I will continue my writing at the 13 meeting.Each course has 16 meetings and the English class is still behind one meeting so we make an appointment to complete the 16 meetings.Inadvertently my friend there is sharing the screenshoot conversation with mother sri mulyati (basic lecturer of algorithm and programming) who can not to learn today after the english class.Finally we agreed to continue to learn english.

        We went on the task of making conversations for two or more people.A few minutes later the group after group progressed and finally it was our turn to coversation.

This is our conversation.

Me: "Hello.How are you?"
 Mr.Ilham: "Hello.I am fine and you?"
Me: "i am fine too.What is your job?"
 Mr.Ilham: "i am a mechanic."
Me:: Wow.Where do tou work as a mechanic? "
Mr.Ilham: "I work in PT.Akkasa Pura"
 Me: "How long have you been working in the PT.Angkasa Pura?"
Mr.Ilham: "I have been working there almost 5 years."
Me: "What does a mechanic do?"
Mr.Ilham: "I repair the damaged machine" Me: "What tools do you use to fix the machine?"
Mr.Ilham: "I use dynamo, wrench, ring key, screw driver to fix the machine.What is you job?"
Me: "I am a programmer"
Mr.Ilham: "it's good.Where do you work as a programmer?"
Me: "I work in PT.Maju Mundur"
 Mr.Ilham: "What does a programmer do?" Me: "I make program to protect the computer system."
Mr.Ilham : "How long have you been working in the PT.Maju Mundur?"
Me : "I have been working there almost 3 years."
Mr.Ilham : "ok.Nice to meet you"
Me : "Nice to meet you too."

Maybe just it is i can telling to you and i hope we are always health.

See you next week guys.

Learning English part 13

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Alhamdulillah we meet again guys.

         Today I am in college morning, thank God this time I did not go up the stairs but i used the elevator to my class room.Morning class is always quiet and today only 17 students are present.Every English class is always exciting and cheerful.

         Today there was not presentation so Ms.Rella gave us the task of making conversations about the electrical engineering-related work we had searched for last week.Before we started do the task,Ms.Rella giving an example of how to make a conversation with the present tense and past tense sentences from the sentence positive, negative and ask questions.

Next meeting we apply in front of the class.


Senin, 01 Januari 2018

Learning English part 5

 Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Alhamdulillah we meet again gyus

         English lesson five meeting. The lecturer enter and greet the college student. Good morning class, How are you today? We replied, good morning miss, we fine. The lecturer start today lesson. She asked us, which goup will go forward for presentation? We replied third group, miss. 

           Group of three forward and start introducing self one by one, which become moderator is Fachrurrozy.After complete of introducing by self, they went straight in to the topic of discussion that is about “Binnary Number”. First discusses the article. Second discusses question 5W + 1H, but not with the answer. Third discusses verbal and nominal sentence. Fourth discusses tenses, its patern and reason. Fifth discusses active and passive sentence. And the last discusses translation from article under discussion. when finish presenting, group of three asked the audience, does anyone want to ask? there are some who ask and group of three can answer the question. After finish of question and answer session, The lecturer correcting result the presentation from the first discusses article until the last discusses translation. 

        There are some wrong and the lecturer ask group of three to fix the wrong location before in entered to the blog. After finish the group of three closing the presentation today. After that the lecturer also closing today lesson. Thank you for your attention.

See you later guys.

Learning English part 6

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Alhamdulillah we meet again gyus

  Every thursday we usually go home early because there is only one course.Today there is usually only the course of the Indonesian language but the second hour is used for English courses because to replace a missed day.

          The night classes are always crowded and today there are two groups of presentations namely group 2.Member of group 2(Muhamad Iqbal,Aspin,Ahmad surohwadi and setia purwadi).They presentation about"Control Enginnering System" and group 2 (Ilham ibrahim,Surya saputra,dimas and).They presentation about "Electromagnetic Waves". group th 3ere are miss understandings in doing tasks, for example: they should make passive and active sentences instead of positive and negative sentences and still have to correct tenses. Group 3 is good, they understand the purpose of the task of Ms.Rella but they need to learn again how to make a sentence (5W + 1H), active and passive sentences. 

          They have hard worked to present the results of their group tasks.
Good job guys.

See you later guys.